english arabic

Dear friends and readers,

Since the launching of Maaber in September 2000, its editorial team has been trying hard to live up to the expectations of its readers—if any!—and to make it, insofar as their energy and material possibilities allow, an oasis of intellectual peace and freedom (in the inner sense of the word) amidst the ongoing chaos of ideologies and information that is presently dominating the Arab cultural arena and a forum where ideas belonging to the “new paradigm” in Philosophy, Science and Spirituality can be expressed in Arabic.

But this effort, however enjoyable and psychologically rewarding it might be, can no longer be enjoyed, nor can it be carried on, if all the work is indefinitely undertaken by a few. For the aim of the small editorial board is definitely neither to monopolize the work nor to show off. They firmly believe that the Maaber concept belongs to all those who feel Maaber is theirs.

As you can guess, all members of the editorial team are far from being full-time “professional intellectuals”. They are, like all of you, dear readers and friends, ordinary people, involved in professional and family responsibilities. They are performing their tasks out of love, in a spirit of brotherhood, and expecting you to share their effort inasmuch as you feel involved in what they do.

Thus, all forms of support to Maaber—technical, material, moral, and otherwise—are gratefully welcome, including unconditional donations to cover some substantial expenses, such as Internet bills, translations, typing, etc.  

Donations can be sent :  Directly or through the Western Union to the following address:

Eng. Akram Antaki or Mr. Dimitri Avgherinos

P.O.Box: 5866

Tel: 11-3110147 or 4443881

Damascus - Syria

Your feedback to this appeal, dear readers and friends, will be much appreciated.

With love,

The Maaber team



 الصفحة الأولى

Front Page



منقولات روحيّة

Spiritual Traditions



 قيم خالدة

Perennial Ethics





 طبابة بديلة

Alternative Medicine

 إيكولوجيا عميقة

Deep Ecology

علم نفس الأعماق

Depth Psychology

اللاعنف والمقاومة

Nonviolence & Resistance



 كتب وقراءات

Books & Readings




On the Lookout

The Sycamore Center

للاتصال بنا 

الهاتف: 3312257 - 11 - 963

العنوان: ص. ب.: 5866 - دمشق/ سورية

maaber@scs-net.org  :البريد الإلكتروني

  ساعد في التنضيد: لمى       الأخرس، لوسي خير بك، نبيل سلامة، هفال       يوسف وديمة عبّود